The SECURUS™ system is an all-in-one platform for onboarding and verification of new customers to minimise costs & risks while users get much faster access to your service. Regardless of the services you provide, we will make it easy for users to get started with you.

​SaaS Compliance Services to overcome the ever-increasing regulatory requirements, in Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter Terrorism Financing (CTF) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC). automation at your fingertips

Don’t leave openings for money launderers or terrorism funders to penetrate your institution

Cutting corners in compliance management can be ruinous. Damanges to your business’s reputation can range from crippling fines to downright business failures, or even reputational damage can be disastrous.

While CTF administrative can be strenuous and daunting, CTF regulations are steps toward stopping violent criminals or terrorists. Let us help to enhance your compliance screening workflow while limiting the time spent contending with false positives

Comprehensive Database from thousands of sources, with real-time coverage of Watchlists, PEPs and Adverse Media

Our AML Screening is performed against our propritory sanctions and watchlist database monitored in real-time from around the world. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), including their relatives and close associates, are also being monitored automatically. These includes,